
Mystery Patrol Play Report 01

This is a play report for Sessions #2 of a Sentinel Comics campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the Mystery Patrol, please feel free to reach out!

Having arrived at the Center for Advanced Genomic Research the Mystery Patrol made their way towards the Complex, Zognathus, the ancient multidimensional being, attempted to use his strange physiology to view within the Complex and drew the alert of the robot guard whom fired down at them.

Foxshadow drawing on the power of her Shadowy Trickster Spirit to shadow step into the office building past a robotic guard, she remained cloaked in shadows.

Robot From Hell made a stealth approach using his Intangibility to travel mostly obscured in the earth, however as soon he reached the complex he found himself coming through the wall of a sub-level, where two more robotic guards were alerted to his arrival.

He swiftly grabbed one of the robotic guards and flew upwards through the ceiling, releasing the robot partway into the floor causing it to phase back into existence while trapped in the floor. At that point with the element of surprise, Foxshadow ensnared the robot guard standing sentry on the ground floor while Zognathus disintegrated with a massive powered blast of cosmic force. Having swiftly destroyed the two robots, they then began to look for more information for what drew them here, but found themselves staring at two reinforced doors, one large set belonging to what looked like an elevator, and a smaller door seemingly connected to the stairs.

The Robot From Hell approached and, using his infernal machine intuition, forged a connection with the access panel in an attempt to call the elevator. While connected to the system, an ICE Program found itself on the offensive, attacking Robot From Hell’s “Operating System”. Due to the comic nature of this game, it was envisioned as a digital landscape reminiscent of the first layer of Hell (in this case, a Mad Max-like world of Demonic Motorcycle Gangs and Demolition Derbies) with the ICE appearing as some sort of soldier robot with large energy weapons.

the ICE Warrior fired its weapons at Robot From Hell, only to have the Robot—Master of his own domain—summon a swarm of imp like pseudo-viruses to draw it’s fire, as Foxshadow sensed through her intuitive connection with her Trickster Spirit that Robot was in danger, and suggested he seek out a paradox to destroy the Artifical Intelligence of this ICE Warrior, and in following that advice, began to utter a series of paradoxical logic statements leading to the ICE Warrior destroying itself in a bout of madness.

Meanwhile in the physical world, Zognathus used more powerful cosmic energy to blow the door of the elevator off, partially catching Foxshadow in the blast on accident.

The group then made their way down the elevator shaft, passed several floors, to the Gene Splicing Facility where Zognathus and Robot From Hell focused their Telekinetic powers to blow off the door, where they found a glittering cloud of Nano Bots waiting for them swirling in the center of the room, along with more ICE, whom took control of the automated weapon systems to fire some automated security turrets at the heroes. The Robot from Hell goes intangible (negating all damage) but the blast hits key architecture in the elevator behind them, causing the elevator to break.

Robot From Hell quickly lept back into the cyber realm, making a connection with the Network here to confront the ICE Warrior in cyberspace, while Zognathus destroyed the Nanites and Foxshadow searched for the information they sought. Her shadowy intuition drawing her to a computer nearby, but a new swarm of nano bots was released into the chamber. While accessing the computer she gathered some information but the Security System caused the computer to overload destroying her access while hurt her with an arc of electricity.

In Cyberspace, Robot From Hell, while engaging with the first ICE Warrior, sought to seek out the Mainframe of the building to determine where it existed in the real physical world, and managed to trace it to another subterranean level beneath the one they are on, however a second ICE Warrior appeared to attack the Robot as well.

While engaging with the two Ice Warriors within the Cyber Realm, Robot From Hell phased through the floor to the Mainframe and threatened to destroy it, giving the ICE Warriors a moment of pause before they attacked. Zognathus destroyed the second cloud of Nano Bots using their connection to send a burst of energy through cyberspace to eradicate one of the ICE Warriors.

John then surged forward to get behind the remaining ICE Warrior and punched through its head, tearing its “brain” out he began to assimilate the data of the ICE Program for potential future use.

Foxshadow shadow stepped down into the Mainframe chamber beside the Robot, and began to seek out further information that she missed on the computer above, and Zognathus once again blew a door off it’s support (The trouble of having allies with mobility powers while you do not lol).

We briefly cut to a new scene: Elsewhere. A white gloved hand taps on a metal desk curiously while watching CCTV footage of the group throughout this building.

Zognathus joins the group just long enough to watch as Robot and Foxshadow discover further information and then, they begin to make their way up. With the elevator broke, they take the long way—the stairs.

Information Discovered:

  • There has been no communication outside this building from the this lab for over a month
  • Over six dozen clones were created n this lab in the past month after the staff went silent.
  • All it takes to create a clone is a blood sample from the original.
  • It is clear that this lab is being operated by a villain known as Biomancer.
  • Biomancer evacuated the facility twelve hours ago, taking this facility’s staff with him. Based on his weather report searches and tracking radar coverage, he took an aircraft to Argaaeus Tower in the city of Dubai.
  • An incomplete list of people cloned includes the Mayor and the Police Chief of Megalopolis.
  • The clones are nearly indistinguishable from the originals, and until activated may not even realize they’re clones.
  • The clones are unstable, and might collapse into a pile of dust without warning.
  • Many clones have superhuman abilities.
  • A huge sum of money was transferred to Biomancer as untraceable cryptocurrency.

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