
Mystery Patrol Play Report 02

This is a play report for Sessions #3 of a Sentinel Comics campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the Mystery Patrol, please feel free to reach out!

Making their way up the stairs, Mystery Patrol found themselves in the Radiation Laboratory where it seemed, where it seemed some Angry Shaggy Thing had escaped. The monstrous pile of hair attacked, and during the fight, Robot From Hell blasted a window out revealing some sort of werewolf like creature within a cell, the creature didn’t act and simply crouched and peered over the fragmented window.

Suddenly the heavily-reinforced elevator door blasted off in a burst of lightning as an iron clad viking entered the fray, eventually revealing himself to be Magni, the Iron Viking. He had traced Biomancer here after a series of fleshchildren monsters had been plaguing his home.

Things began to heat up, a massive security robot stomped into view and began to unload on the laboratory with ill placed energy blasts, one of these energy blasts weakened another cell allowing some sort of massive man-sized mutant crab covered in crystals out, The Crabking was revealed to have sonic like abilities and a powerful exo-skeleton.

With things spiraling out of control, Zognathus grabbed both Magni and Robot From Hell and skedaddled his way up the elevator shaft, escaping the scene. Foxshadow teleported after them. Now calm, the group had a proper introduction with Magni, who revealed himself empowered by the Norse god, Thor. After information was shared, the group found a VTOL jet on the landing pad on the island and it was a simple matter for Robot From Hell to rig some sort of gadget in order to pilot the plane.

The group spent some time resting and rejuvenating on their way to Dubais as Robot From Hell’s gadget autopiloted the plane. Arriving at Argaeus tower, the jet landed and as Mystery Patrol stepped out onto the roof which began to rotate and lower down, a massive greek theater built within the top level of this building… and Mystery Patrol was on stage! Throughout the stage, victims—including the Mayor and Police Chief of Megalopolis—were locked within brass cages on the top of pillars.

Biomancer himself was present, dramatically monologued for a brief bit before he introduced his minions—Clones of both Zognathus and Foxshadow (Though he noted that when he cloned her, the clone had no powers! Of course he made do, and gave her some!) as well as new copies of the Mayor and Police chief, as well many clones dressed in greek armor and attire! Hoplites and Archerers, while strange spider-like robots hovered in the air on propellers.

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