The Anointed Play Report 01
This is a play report for Sessions #13 of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Anointed are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!
Dramatis Personae: The Anointed
We start off this Session just after the Anointed have defeated a group of Enforcers who had challenged them to a competition, winning gold and a Phoenix Idol. The Anointed quickly make their way away from the Fighting Site to hopefully prevent being challenged before Jun recovered his health. Stopping outside of a nearby Stone Market, they take the time to heal and sell some of their spoils and buy some updated equipment.
After getting their health and equipment situated, The Anointed spend the rest of the day exploring the nearby Peninsula near the Temple of Irori that makes up their homebase.
First they encounter a small shrine carved into the face of an ocean side cliff in a motif of waves and wind, it is quickly determined to be an ancient and abandoned shrine to the local god of Sailing, Swimming and the Wind. Jun uses his natural Tanuki shapeshifting to turn into a small toy boat and sail around in the tide pool that sits before the shrine—almost as if an offering bowl. Spending sometime within the water, Jun feels blessed by this unknown God and for the duration of his stay on Bonmu Island.
Leaving the Water Shrine, the group continued along the coast where Kem noticed massive footprints in the sand, Sakuna quickly identified the tracks as belonging to a Tyrannosaurus. The group quickly decided to hunt it down, and Sakuna took point on tracking it. Unfortunately this is an area where the T-Rex lives and frequently travels creating a wide number of criss-crossing tracks causing them to take upwards of an hour to track down the T-Rex at it’s nesting ground, a large collection of boulders and rocks where it currently was preoccupied with eating a recent kill and was oblivious to the Anointed’s approach.
The group strategized and prepared for the assault, sending Jun around from behind to flank it while they moved in quickly from the other side. As always, the plan never survives contact with the enemy, and the T-Rex would have got a particularly nasty bite in on Mochi if it wasn’t for Morgrym getting in and shoving him out of the way. A swift back and forth ensued and Morgrym was swallowed hole by the T-Rex, a ticking clock on if they would kill the T-Rex before Morgrym succumb to digestion. In the end, they managed to cut Morgrym from the stomach of the dinosaur’s corpse. After which, Mochi and Jun set about to butcher some meat from the T-Rex while Sakuna attended to the wounded.
Pushing on further, The Anointed stopped for a meal of seared T-Rex Steaks at the long abandoned shrine to the God of Charity, Feasts and Cooks, where they earned a blessing from that god as well, and then went on to explore an old Lighthouse at the top of the penninsula, it seemed to have recently been inhabited and cleared of monsters, leading the Anointed to believe they’d found another Teams base, though they do not know whose. Jun left a cryptic note simply saying “we know where you sleep.”
They nearly stumbled upon the Lightkeepers, a team they had not yet fought but had seen to be a strong team and decided discretion was the better part of valor, escaping without a challenge thanks to Kem’s keen hearing and Sakuna’s ability to shapeshift. Pushing on further the group found what looked to be like the shell of some sort of massive egg shattered on the beach—Morgrym is fairly convinced that it was a Dinosaur Egg of some sort, perhaps belonging to a nearby T-Rex since they’d seen one was in the area, while Hoki determined that the marbleized veins in the egg shell were from minerals found along the bottom of the ocean. Jun took a piece of it to hopefully present it to someone smarter than themselves and the group carried on to investigate an old overgrown bungalow where they located a pair of magical boots.
With night falling, the group returned home to the Temple of Irori to settle in for the night. During the early hours of the morning a large long-legged bird entered the Temple and proceeded to poke around the temple for shinies, unknowingly watched by Morgrym who eventually sounded the Alarm.