New Dawn Play Report 01
This is a play report for Sessions #30-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

Dramatis Personae: New Dawn
CW: Child Endangerment, Threatening of Children
Gozran 23-24, 4710
Beneath the broken tower on Candlemere Island, the Adventuring Party of New Dawn had taken barely no time at all at recovering from their fight with the creepy and tragic Bone Children, urged on by Ken-Noth Kartharos to save the baby he heard crying in the room beyond, down the stairs.
Making their way down the stairs, they found themselves looking upon the room, to the south a black inky stain, some sort of liquid bubbled along the ground, to their left cried the baby, set in a basket in a nook, and to their right a woman was chained to the wall. She urged them quickly to free her before the Hag returned. However, Bell saw it for the deception it was and cautioned Bben and Ken-Noth, however it was too late, by the time the Hag realized her deception had been pierced, Bben had already gotten within range and her form twisted and grew into that of a nightmarish Iron Hag, she reached out to grab Ben in her slashing claws and then drew him in, leaving him on the edge of death.
What followed was a harrowing fight, pushing Uisce to the limits of his spellslots, while Hawthorn drew low on ammo, people were nearly rendered unconscious multiple times, especially after the Gibbering Mouther got involved, rising up to reveal itself as the bubbling black inky stain that filled up the bottom half of the chamber.
Uisce managed to remove the Gibbering Mouther from play by getting a Calm off on it, but not before it engulfed Ken-Noth multiple times.
As her health dwindled and her victory was clearly unlikely, the Hag made her way to the baby where she held it above her distended jaw, she bargained for her freedom, saying she would give up the child and leave if she was promised safety, she motioned towards Ken-Noth saying she knew that should he give his word, he would have no choice but to keep it.
Ken-Noth approached her, sword at his side—no longer “readied”—and as he reached her, he gambled on one final strike to kill the injured hag before she could follow through with her threat to eat the baby. Ken-Noth blade struck true, but she still lived and as she dropped the baby towards her iron-toothed maw, Bell lashed out with their bladed scarf, using her expertise with weapon to ensure no blades struck the baby, she managed to wrap the baby in the scarf and draw it to her, leaving the room open for Bben to hit the Hag with a powerful Daze spell, dropping her to her knees to utter a last outraged admonishment before she fell unconscious. Ken-Noth executed the unconscious hag.
Following the encounter, Uisce spent time treating his comrades while Ken-Noth took the baby and spent some time with it. Meanwhile Bben approached the Calmed gibbering mouther and used his Abberant Kinship to attempt to befriend it, after the interaction, the Gibbering Mouther left the group alone, allowing them to explore the room.
In the room they discovered a seal of Pharasma, empowered by powerful magic and clearly sealing some sort of opening in the ground—whether it was sealing something within or protecting something was unknown, but it was a curiosity—perhaps something to be explored later. Bben searching the Hag’s old worn desk discovered a drawer full of human teeth, a ring of void resistance, and some scrawled papers in an unfamiliar language (Aklo).
After figuring they found all there was to find, the group decided to brave the lake at night because they were uncomfortable with the inscrutable gaze upon them at all time, heightening their fear and making them linger at the edges of paranoia. Collecting Rosemourne’s burned remains, they gathered up and took the raft back across the lake, and camped within a Cozy Cabin someways away from the shore of the lake.
After a restful night without incident, Ken-Noth arose with the sun, to perform his daily preparations. As he stepped out of the Cabin, he noticed the roof had gathered thousands of beautiful butterflies, and as the door swung shut they burst into the area, fluttering away in streamers of color. Besides some fleeting connection to Desna, the Paladin didn’t know what to make of the experience.
They then made their way back to their burgeoning capital of Dawnsgate where they delivered the lost baby to her parents Francina and Elric, and after a tearful reunion and heartfelt thanks, Ken-Noth asked if they planned to the keep the other child, the changeling child that had replaced the newly returned child after being kidnapped by the Cult of Gyronna. The parents admitted they needed to speak of it still, to make sure it was the right decision, and to not “leap before they look”, but that they would like too if they feel they are capable of it.
In his role as Magister, BBen Doublelegs also told them that should they need additional coin to support both children, the Government would see that they get it.