
The Anointed Play Report 05

This is a play report for Session #17 of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Anointed is currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Anointed

Continuing to explore the Island, the Anointed discovered some sort of structure with religious overtones, as they began to head to investigate they were caught off guard and challenged by Hana’s Hundred. A match that the Anointed stood victorious over less than 10 seconds after the fight began—the troop was not prepared for the amount of magic and supernatural devestation wrought by the Anointed as even their martial’s were able to unload area of effect spells and effects, utterly devastating the unit.

Following the bout with Hana’s Hundred, the Anointed continued to explore, locating another of these “Legendary Creature” lairs on Bonmu. Seeking to investigate, Sakuna explored in the form of a small bat and identified their prey as a massive Mammoth Turtle currently resting at the bottom of the lake. The group entered and used Morgrym as bait. Bait which the Turtle took, swimming up and swallowing morgrym in one giant bite, Morgrym in his attempt to escape the ravages of this creatures stomach tried to turn to stone, but found his breath failing as he dropped unconscious. Sakuna quickly followed Morgrym into the beasts belly and then Mochi. The Morgrym on death’s door and Mochi and Sakuna unable to escape, it was only a matter of time until they all found themselves slowly digested. Luckily, before they could die horribly, Jun, Hoki and Kem managed to kill the beast and free their allies.

As they attempted to bring Morgrym back to consciousness, they heard a voice from the lair entrance. “Ahh, good, you’re done. We challenge you for 2 feathers!” turning around, the Anointed saw the 8 members of Golarion’s Finest.

Score Card

The Anointed vs. Winter’s Roar: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

The Anointed vs. the Ahmoza Twins: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

The Anointed vs. The Cloud Jesters: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

The Anointed vs. Hana’s Hundred: The Anointed wins 0 feathers (capped at 10).

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