
The Anointed Play Report 04

This is a play report for Session #16 of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Anointed is currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Anointed

Mochi delivers the swift and final blow upon the last remaining members of the Cloud Jesters, knocking them from the Tournament. The Anointed then took a moment to heal up before going to check the tomb that it seemed the Cloud Jesters were chased away from by the Stone Golems, but found nothing of value within—presumably the Cloud Jesters already had everything of value.

Mochi and Jun fused together to shape shift into a huge ship in which to carry the Anointed across a narrow water passage so that they could continue to explore the island without backtracking. Once on the mainland, they discovered a silver feather hanging from a bush. Apparently, some poor fool lost it when it snagged on the bush.

They also spied a massive Roc taking its recent kill—a Tyrannosaurus—to it’s nest at the top of the mountain. Making their way up the mountain, Morgrym creating a wall of stone to use as a ramp to get them up the last bit of sheer cliff, the group charged in on the Roc. Morgrym did great work in locking it down as the group poured magic and attacks into the massive bird. On it’s last legs, the bird attempted to grab Jun and fly away with him, but was felled when Mochi reacted quickly to save his brother.

Having slain the Dread Roc, the Anointed searched the lair, discovering little of note besides some Roc eggs, which they planned to sell. Sakuna kept one after determining they were fertilized. While refocusing, Morgrym noticed a second Roc—presumably the Dread Roc’s mate—closing in and Sakuna estimated its arrival time to be about 10 minutes. Preparing to ambush the creature, Jun cast an illusory scene to hide themselves, disguising them as the taken eggs, allowing them to quickly ambush and kill the Roc. After defeating both animals, they took about 2 hours to gather as many feathers as possible from the rocs (good condition roc feathers can sell for quite abit).

Finishing up with the Roc nest, the group made their way to the south where they discovered another Taumatan Shrine to Babbunabi, the god of scripture, storytellers, and travelers. Many of them paid their respects to the god, earning themselves a boon.

Score Card

The Anointed vs. Winter’s Roar: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

The Anointed vs. the Ahmoza Twins: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

The Anointed vs. The Cloud Jesters: The Anointed wins 2 feathers.

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