The Anointed Play Report 02
This is a play report for Sessions #14 of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Anointed are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!
Dramatis Personae: The Anointed
Morgrym smashes his pike to his shield crying out “Intruder!”, Sakuna alights to the ground across from him. The Anointed throughout the Temple rouse from their sleep and stand as the large legged bird comes sprinting from down a corridor and found itself cut off, facing both Morgrym and Sakuna. Its cries out in a odd, ululating warble which causes seems to try to befuddle the wits of Morgrym and Sakuna, but the two easily shake off the effects! The bird then flees back the way it came, with the two in pursuit while the remainder of the Anointed arrive thereafter.
The Bird attempted its disorienting more but to only little effect, occassionally confusing its prey, but needing to continue to rise from being tripped took some of the edge off of the fight, eventually the bird found itself felled and eventually found its way to the breakfast plate that morning.
After an the rest of the evening’s (uneventful) rest and breakfast of a thieving long legged bird, the group prepared to leave when they opened the door to find an approaching duo who were arguing over whether the temple was a Team’s base, seeing Jun as he opened the door they quickly challenged—and then saw the other 5 members of the team pile up behind the Tanuki—the group, sisters named Rijana and Manyala sheepishly wagered only a single feather, presuming they would not be the victors today.
Leading the two to the sandpit arena in the middle of the temple, battle was swiftly joined, and while the sisters hit hard and fast, the sheer numbers and magical capabilities of the Anointed delivered them a victory. Afterwards, they healed up the duo a bit and talked to them, the duo revealed they were based at a Lighthouse nearby and some weirdo the previous day had left a note for them, “informing them they”we know where you sleep”, they also revealed that they had fought and defeated Tino’s Toughest. After some banter, the groups went their separate ways with The Anointed making their way north to the Transport Tower, teleporting to the Eastern section of the Island where they began to explore.
They discovered several Team Headquarters, a Palacial Estate near a river in a valley between two mountains and a home carved of ice at the snowy top of a mountain, they also discovered the Enforcer’s Base, but chose to avoid it as signs warned them that there would be consequences and punishments for trespassing.
Making their way towards the southern coast of the Island, the Anointed left the mountains and made their way into a heavily forested expanse, while traveling through the forest, Kem heard a loud cry of some beast from the air above. Not long after, some distance away, everyone heard the heavy crash as if some large thing smashed through the branches and canopies of the trees to get beneath them, and then heard a cry of animalistic pain and terror. Whatever it was, had sought out and found prey. It—seeming to be large and powerful—intrigued the Anointed who wished to test their mettle against this beast.
As they approached Morgrym began to rhythmically beat his pike against his shield and sang a deep, loud Dwarven war song, which was quickly picked up by the Tanuki and Kem. Drawing the attention of whatever this beast was, it came crashing through the trees at them, a massive winged creature loping through the woods by legs and wing like some sort of massive monstrous, colorful pterosaur.