
New Dawn Play Report 05

This is a play report for Sessions #34-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

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Dramatis Personae: New Dawn

Desnus 3-6, 4710

Approaching the Iruxi encampment, Ken-Noth brazenly knocked on the gate. After a moment pause, the gates slowly peeked open as an Iruxi scout named Fr’rank peeked out at the group, whom introduced themselves and stated they were here diplomatically and would like to speak to their elders. Fr’rank and their fellow Iruxi conversed briefly before Fr’rank slipped out and the gate closed behind them. They nervously explained that their king and many of the warriors of the island have fallen under the sway of an evil spirit, believing it to be an Ancestor Spirit, pushing them to hunt down and slaughter humans and other non-Iruxi in the area. To kidnap and sacrifice people to the ancestor—they have people captured to sacrifice at that very moment!

When the group suggests they speak to the Iruxi king, Fr’rank explains that they worry that the group would be in very real danger, and even if they were powerful enough to fight their way through the camp many misguided and manipulated Iruxi could die. In order to avoid that, Fr’rank suggests the group returns that night and they will sneak them into the camp, help them free the Sacrifices and take them to the hut that the Ancestor Spirit has taken. After a bit of concern, Ken-Noth agrees.

That night, the group enters the camp with the aid of Fr’rank, and rescues the sacrificial prisoners, a pixie, an arboreal walker and a leshy. The Pixie introduces himself as Midnight and introduces his companions as Blooma and Birchwood, staying close to the group, Midnight follows as the group are led to the hut of the Iruxi Ancestor, once they all arrive Doc Halcyon recognizes the presence of invisible life energy nearby, just before it appears, roaring and strikes out at the thaumaturge. A pitch fight leads the group to destroy the “ancestor spirit” which was revealed to be a tricky Will-o-Wisp.

Taking the remains to the Iruxi King, Visket, the group manges to doggedly pursue negotations and diplomacy with the volatile and ornery king, eventually he agrees to withhold any further “atrocities” while he determines if the ancestor spirit was indeed a fake and was destroyed as the group explained. He then allows them to leave.

Leaving quickly, the group learns more of their new companion. They learn from Midnight that monsters in the area have been being recruited by a self proclaimed “Troll King” named Hargulka that has secured themselves within an abandoned dwarven ruin, though he isn’t sure its exact location. Camping near the Iruxi Island, the following morning the group is beset by a group of noble diplomats and their soldier retinue, they come from Uisce’s family—a noble family—and require the young master to return home. After an emotional goodby, the youth leaves New Dawn, heading north for Brevoy.

The group travels for several days returning to Dawnsgate, where they intend to gather up Nok-Nok for potential use in infiltrating or negotiating with the Troll-King Hargulka. Midnight seeks out baked goods within the fledgling town, discovering Cloudstrength’s Confectionaries, a bakery run from a small clay oven on the back of a cart by it’s owners, an old married dwarf couple named Zomgurd and Kalla Cloudstrength.

The idea is floated by Bben that if Hargulka is not amenable, Nok-Nok could be put on Hargulka’s throne, which would create an interesting opportunity for everyone involved. Nok-Nok likes this idea very much. Nok-Nok mentions that Jaethal has been giving him reading lessons.

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Play Report Play Report: New Dawn

New Dawn Dramatis Personae

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