New Dawn Play Report 04
This is a play report for Sessions #33-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

Desnus 1-3, 4710
The following morning, when Ken-Noth was performing his morning rites, a shoony named Doctor Halcyon approached their camp. Doctor Halcyon had come to the “frontier” to provide aid and medicine to those that likely had a harder time and lacked the supplies needed. He had initially gone to the new kingdom of New Dawn and had been told that most of the leadership was off hunting trolls. With this knowledge he set off to find them. Bben had more nightmares that evening, dreams of hunting down people of inciting fear and horror before driving them to the ground.
Doctor Halcyon was welcomed into the group and immediately made himself useful in helping Ken-Noth and the Loggers prepare the three coachwood sapplings for safe and secure transport back to Melianse’s lake, and then the group returned to provide the nixie with her replacement trees. Upon arriving, she thanked them, offered to teach the Inveigle ritual to whomever wanted to, and also granted the group their hearts deepest wish. This manifested as a Wand of Dream Message, so that Ken-Noth could message his wife on the regular.
Following that, Bell spoke with both Bben and Doctor Halcyon about their concern about the Inveigle ritual and their intent towards it. They both said that it seems a good potential tool to possess and, in Bben’s words, “rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.” Following a night of uneventful rest the groups went their own way, the Loggers traveling back to the New Dawn logging camp, while the group made their way further south where they encountered a Scythe Tree lying in ambush and managed to destroy it with little issue.
The group then made their way along the river and noticed an island in the center of the river, protected by a palisade. Bell climbed a nearby tree to get a higher view beyond the walls and made out that it was a village of blue skilled Lizardfolk. The group then made their way across the river to the palisade…