
New Dawn Play Report 06

This is a play report for Sessions #35-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

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Dramatis Personae: New Dawn

Desnus 6-9, 4710

Leaving Dawnsgate, the group—accompanied by Nok Nok—began to make their way through the wilds to the South West, after bidding farewell to Midnight, who set off on their own adventures. While making their way through the forests of the Stolen Lands, Ken-Noth continued to do his best to nudge the chaotic goblin towards a less destructive deity and mindset. Making some progress over the time, progress that now seems tenuous as the group encountered what turned out to be a group of Lamashtu cultists that had been drawn to this place by vague dreams seeking for something even they don’t understand.

Ken-Noth and the group’s leader, a Champion of Lamashtu named Ithael, talked. Ithael was antagonistic but didnt openly attack, however once Nok-Nok realized what happened, he proclaimed that perhaps the cultist had been drawn here to find him. This option was encouraged by Bben, who’s normal chaotic demeanor had not been dulled by his attempt to not sleep as often as he can. The Cultist’s refuted that there were sent here to serve Nok Nok, but did agree its possible that their destinies were entwined… especially when learning of the possibility of Nok Nok potentially becoming regent of a “monster kingdom.”

An uneasy peace was established, and the group’s interest in Nok Nok led to them traveling with the party, though Ithael has taken every moment to undercut and annoy Ken-Noth. While Traveling together, the group came across a lake beside a rocky crag, a cave sat within the crag and the area around the lake and the crag was rent with dug up earth, burned and scorched ground and the remains of many animal, troll and human remains. While cautiously investigating, they noted a dragon-like creature within the cave and knew that such a thing would need to be destroyed based on the carnage around it’s lair.

They entered and engaged it, using the cavern to prevent it from gaining the advantage of it’s flight. Bell, maintained their vigil at the entrance allowing the catfolk to trip the enormous flame drake as it attempted to flee the cave to take the skies. and the group managed to destroy it.

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Play Report Play Report: New Dawn

New Dawn Dramatis Personae

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