
Jade Rivers Play Report 01

This is a play report for Sessions #44-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Jade Rivers play report header

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers

We start this adventure off with the Adventuring Party, along with their newly acquired friends Variks and Ahlymyra, exploring an old ruins they had noted previously in their travels. Having entered the crumbling elven ruin, they were attacked by a small, very fast and mean spirited little fellow (a Quickling), and after the swift defeat of the little fey is when our current session begins.

The group continued to explore the ruins, most of the group moving to the Northwestern most tower as Gorzo discovered the door was blocked. Princess Bea moved up to force the door while Miz cast Helpful Steps to bypass a Hallucinatory Mist the creeps along the floor of the central tower.

Princess Bea fails to force the door and steps aside for Variks who forces the door and enters. The interior of the tower is choked with vines and clinging foliage, however peaking through the foliage is an impressive display of bleached humanoid skulls. Variks also notices a lanky green humanoid with long clawed fingers hidden among the vines. He also notices the Assassin Vine lurking above the door, reaching its strangling roots down for his throat. The party easily overcomes the threats within this tower and finds an assortment of treasures in a small chest hidden within the vines.

With the helpful steps in place to overcome the Hallucinatory Mist along the tower floor, they ascend the tall central tower, where Miz and Nix spy a beautiful, blood spattered dancing woman. She also spies them, and attempts to lure them in, however Ahlymyra surges into the room and misidentifies the woman, a Baobhan Sith, as a Vampire, calling out the information which inspires her allies to action and prevents further attempts at luring them in. She fights harder than anything else has in this ruins, but in the end falls to the combined might of the party.

Following up was a bit more clean up around the Ruins, dispatching a couple of rat swarms in the North Eastern tower, and sifting through the contents of the uninhabited southern towers.

Having deemed the ruins “cleared” for later use, the group pushes south on their way to deal with the threat of Hargulka, the self proclaimed Troll King whom has been causing trouble for the region in their attempts to unite many of the monstrous creatures in the Stolen Lands.

While traveling into troll territory, the group was (perhaps unsurprisingly) discovered be a band of 4 trolls who easily spied their cozy cabin and approached, easily seen by Princess Bea, whom sat upon the roof on watch. The charged the cabin as Princess Bea drummed on the roof to wake everyone inside up.

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Play Report Play Report: Jade Rivers

Jade Rivers Dramatis Personae

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