Jade Rivers Play Report 03
This is a play report for Sessions #46-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers
This session encompassed a massive battle. The Jade Rivers adventurers split into two groups of 3. Beatrice, Miz and Gorzo holding the door downstairs while Variks, Ahlymyra and Nix fought upstairs. The, relatively, narrow corridors and difficult terrain (created by Variks) made things incredibly difficult for the trolls, but the tide began to turn when the battle raging outside their chambers eventually drew Troll King Hargulka and his mate into the fray upstairs.
Downstairs, the Rock Troll—Kargadd—smashed through the stone wall bypassing the defenses that Princess Bea had used to hold the door, and smashing out the bottom half of the staircase.
The arrival of Hargulka, his mate and a strange purple Kobold (Tartuk of the Sootscale Kobold, though the only one who would recognize him, Gorzo, never saw him) upstairs lead to a nearly killing blow on Ahlymyra, causing the team upstairs to retreat down the shattered stairwell.
As we end the session, most of the Hobgoblins, Trolls and Trollhounds are all defeated. Kargadd is on the edge of death, his regeneration unable to let him die. Knowing fire does not deactivate the Rock Troll’s regeneration Gorzo believes sunlight or water may provide a weakness, Nix suggested trying acid. Hargulka is injured, and his mate, Gurija, has just fallen to a critical strike from Nix’s Blazing Bolt. Tartuk decided that discretion was the better part of valor and has fled.
Princess Bea managed to retrieve here sword, drawing it from Hargulka’s belt during the fight.