Jade Rivers Play Report 05
This is a play report for Sessions #48-49-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers
I forgot to do a play report for the previous session and this Play Report encapsulates two Sessions of play.
Sarenith 3-13, 4710
Leaving Tatzleford, the group returned to their capital of Staghead where they aided in further efforts to clean up and rebuild the town from the Beasts prior rampage. Nix tracked down Grigori, currently residing within one of the few standing homes within Staghead working on further seditious speeches, and slipped in past him after knocking. While within the home he had claimed, Nix so thoroughly annoyed the rabblerouser that he used Suggestion on her, suggesting she leave and not return. Upon leaving, Nix promptly began to cry that he had “used mind altering magic on her” and the rest of the party floated the idea that he might have been manipulating them with magic as well.
While not fully breaking his hold on the townfolk, it did provide them some latitude to arrest Grigori and lead him off to a Cozy Cabin (repurposed as a jail cell) where, bound and imprisoned, Miz performed the Inveigle ritual on him. Now believing Miz to be his best friend, Grigori apologized for his actions and explained that he had been hired by the leadership of Fort Drelev (another Brevoy charter holder) to cause trouble within your borders. The group then decided with Grigori’s newfound change of heart to promote him to their government and help him undo some of the damage he did.
We then moved into a Kingdom building turn where they managed to soothe a lot of the unrest and ruin, expand their territory and rebuild the destroyed buildings.
As their time with the council and planning of the kingdom came to an end, a functionary approached to inform Princess Bea, now Emissary, that a delegation from the Sootscale had arrived. Remembering that Tartuk, chief of the Sootscale, had been seen with Hargulka before fleeing, she gathered everyone to meet with the delegation. What they found was 5 begraggled sootscale kobolds—nervous and jumpy—they explained that their Chief, who had been supported and put in place by the previous council of Jade Rivers, had returned from a recent voyage and was incensed to violence, sacrificing the kobolds whom spoke out against him and began to ferment sedition within the tribe. Those who stood against Tartuk were outnumbered and needed help.
The group decided to handle this while on the way to the Beast’s lair. They traveled to the Sootscale cave and quickly dispatched Tartuk and his loyalists, discovering the strange purple scaled kobold to be none other than Tartuccio in disguise. Leaving the Sootscale to determine how they would handle their new situation, the group continued onward to the Beast’s cave.
Pushing into the Beasts Cave, the found the enormous owlbear and engaged it in savage combat. The group had gathered more strength, knowledge and power since the beast had last been challenged, as well as more allies—The Beast didn’t stand a chance and was at least felled with an incredible shot by Gorzo’s gun. The only survivor of the last battle with the Beast laid the creature to it’s final rest.