
Jade Rivers Play Report 06

This is a play report for Sessions #50-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Jade Rivers play report header

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers

Sarenith 13-17, 4710

As the Beast falls, the group busies themselves with healing up and exploring the lair of the titanic beast. Miz arrives, having led some citizens of Jade Rivers and a large cart behind the group. The citizens begin to butcher the beast for bringing the meat back to the Kingdom and Variks moves to oversee and aid them as Miz comes up to check in with the group.

Gorzo hears low trills and manages to see a baby owlbear hidden down a tight side tunnel and begins to work on coaxing it out. While Bea investigates a pile of dead hunters, soldiers and a large owlbear in the back, a flickering echo of a memory asserted itself over the room, growing stronger as it solidified. Dozens of men sought to kill both the Beast and this other Owlbear, while they seemed to have succeeded on this owlbear, the Beast killed them all afterwards. This flickering memory echo turned out to be a haunt of dangerous latent psychic energy, apparitions of the assault able to injure or even kill.

Nix sprinted from the room down a side tunnel expecting safety, only to be pounced on by nearly a dozen giant spiders. An encounter that quickly seemed to be working out against the goblin, she finally teleported out of the area as Miz finished off the spiders.

Meanwhile Gorzo, Ahlymyra and Princess Bea try desperately to exorcise or calm the ghostly haunt before eventually simply retreating from the room where it has no power.

The group returns to Jade Rivers with the citizens where they are cheered by the populous after slaying the Beast. They stay long enough to do some shopping before making their way West with a goal to investigate more of the Stolen Lands and aiming to go for Lake Hooktongue. Along their travels, they identify a cursed ring of Bestial Friendship that allows someone else to spy on the wielder. Nix decides not to wear it! Miz used Inveigle on the baby owlbear.

On the way they stop by the Temple of the Elk where they see that Jhod’s desire to reclaim this old Temple of Erastil has drew new alcolytes to his fold. While there thegroup asks him to lead them to the Statue of Erastil.

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Jade Rivers Dramatis Personae

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