New Dawn Play Report 07
This is a play report for Sessions #36-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

Desnus 9-12, 4710
Having just defeated the enormous Flame Drake, a bolt embeds itself besides Bell’s head in the cavern wall. Turning to look, the group sees a pink-haired halfling and a dapper Tripkee fleeing from an assortment of mercenary looking fellows, wielding a mix of crossbows and warhammers. The group quickly moves to render assistance, striking down their pursuers before the two introduce themselves.
Lucy is fleeing from the dictatorship of Pitax, while the Tripkee, Bishop Donatello Gribbito is fleeing from cultists. Surprisingly enough, the two were not together, but collided mid flight and as they recovered ran in the same direction away from both of their pursuers. Deciding that there is safety in numbers the two agree to travel with the party.
Continuing onward together, the group had a nearly uneventful trek through the forest, only having to deal a with a pair of outclassed Ogre Spiders before continuing on. After three days of travel and searching, eventually, Doc Halcyon and Bben’s keen eyes picked out what looked like the entrance to a Dwarven settlement in the side of a rocky bluff. Making their way up, the group sought an audience with Hargulka the troll king from a pair of surprised Hobgoblins and a troll.
After being made to wait some time, the Hobgoblin escorted the group into the old Dwarven ruin where Hargulka sat for his audience, sitting upon a thrown at the top of the a double staircase up, and flanked by two other important looking trolls, one of which was a two-headed troll. meanwhile Hobgoblin archers spread across the upper balcony and many trolls, troll hounds and 2 Leucrotta flanked the party.
“Who requests an Audience with Hargulka?!” The Troll-king boomed in gutteral Taldane.