Jade Rivers Play Report 04

Jade Rivers Play Report 04

This is a play report for Sessions #47-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer. Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers The adventuring company of Jade Rivers quickly finished of Karbadd and Hargulka, Gorzo’s…

Jade Rivers Play Report 03

Jade Rivers Play Report 03

This is a play report for Sessions #46-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer. Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers This session encompassed a massive battle. The Jade Rivers adventurers split into two…