
The Winning Dream Play Report 03

This is a play report for Sessions #7-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Winning Dream are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Winning Dream

Abadius 1-2, 4721

The bird’s loud ululating cry roused the rest of the party as it sought to flee from the Temple, only to stopped in a flash of brimstone as Mallus teleported before it to strike it down. The group is now locked in combat with the crafty and conniving beast.

Once Borak got her hands on the wily Cauthooj, it was all over; the bird’s main advantage was in its quick and sudden movements. With that negated, the Cauthooj quickly ended up slated for the breakfast table. With the intrusion managed, the rest of the Winning Dream returned to bed while Lana finished out her watch investigating the Temple to find where the bird entered. It seemed to have, with some effort, squeezed itself in through the statue that was used to block the hole in the wall.

The rest of the evening went without incident and the next morning the Winning Dream awoke early to prepare the Cauthooj for breakfast and as part of that, prepared the Temple’s haunted refectory with food. Once the ghostly monks appeared, Salgier recited a prayer of Irori as they ate, sending them off to find their peace.

Following breakfast, the Winning Dream went off to explore, making their way up towards the transport tower to their North. Along the way, they heard shouts of a team, seemingly, in trouble and quickly made their way over to investigate. Seeing a group of 4 warriors beset by Stone Golems, the Winning Dream quickly engaged the golems and assisted in defeating the threat. They then helped heal up the other team, identified as the Cloud Jesters, who gave them a Magical Sword they had recently discovered (and was part of the treasure that caused the Golem’s pursuit.)

After the two groups were healed up, the Winning Dream challenged the Cloud Jesters for a single feather. They were escorted to the nearest fighting site, the Dinosaur Ranch that serves as a headquarters for another group where they were set to fight within a fences pasture. A rule was set by the enforcer that they were not to leave the fenced area—a ruling that would prove a great boon to the wrestling Borak.

The fight went overwhelmingly in the favor of the Winning Dream who beat the Cloud Jesters handily, two of the four defeated by Borak using whirling throw to eliminate them with a ring out.

Score Card

The Winning Dream vs. The Cloud Jesters: The Winning Dream Wins on Abadius 2, 4721 – 1 Feather

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