The Winning Dream Play Report 01
This is a play report for Sessions #5-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Winning Dream are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Winning Dream
The Winning Dream had successfully completed clearing their temporary homebase on Bonmu, the Temple of Irori. They rested and feasted for a few hours before deciding to set out to the local Stone Market, where they did some trading, selling and buying of a variety of merchandise, before returning to the temple to transfer runes.
With still many hours left in the day, the Winning Dream decided to go exploring the areas around the island, making their way south towards a peninsula of sandy beaches, they approached a Light House, where they Borak, Arillia and Mallus decided to climb the tower’s exterior while Salgier flew and Lana rode up on Mallus’s back. Arriving at the top, they found the ghostly remnants of the old lightkeeper, manifesting as a deadly and terrifying poltergeist! While some heavy damage was taken, the party managed to quickly destroy the lightkeeper, and having ignited the beacon at the top of the tower, successfully cause the lightkeeper to pass on, leaving behind some treasures within the brazier.
Searching the tower, the group found little of monetary or tactical value, however Lana found a old weather-damaged journal that chronicled the life of the lightkeeper whose name was Onbeg. While most of his life was somewhat rote and boring, the journal did capture his perspective on the events of King Mogaru, a massive kaiju, attacking the Island several hundred years before.
After the lighthouse, the group made their way south-east, discovering the fighting site there and leaving some food with the enforcers on watch over the site, and then Mallus discovered tracks of some large creature—identification was unclear, but it seemed to belong to some sort of crab, lobster, scorpion or maybe spider—something with many legs and little ‘shape’ to the foot prints. Salgier discovered some interesting raw ingredients for use in cooking.
The Winning Dream followed the tracks back to a rocky cavern lair where they lured the beast out, finally discovering their prey was a massive, gargantuan black scorpion. As battle ensued the scorpion delivered a salvo of devastating attacks on the group, leaving them in a precarious situation—Mallus being dropped down to 1HP while several others have taken no small amount of harm.
Thus ended the session, mid combat with a terrifying bestial foe.