The Winning Dream Play Report 02
This is a play report for Sessions #6-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Winning Dream are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Winning Dream
We start the adventure in the throws of battle with a dangerous foe, a gigantic black scorpion. Mallus at 1-hp, many of the rest wounded and poisoned. A powerful heal from Lana brought Mallus back up into the fight, and the struggle continued on until finally the black scorpion had fallen, defeated and soon to be butchered. Arillia had trouble fighting off the poison and only the constant healing and attention of her team allowed her to survive.
After butchering the Scorpion, the Winning Dream continued south along the coast where they found an ancient stone shrine that was identified as belonging to the ancient Taumatan god of messengers, music and love—Ahngonar. The group each took time to honor the god in their own respective way and gained a boon for their piety. After spending some time enjoying the shrine, the group moved on where they discovered a chest, likely washed ashore from a shipwreck, to discover an array of potions and valuables.
Making their way North, the group discovered a Library that had recently been cleared of monsters—something that very clearly identified it as a headquarters of another team. Borak approached, loudly knocking only to find the door answered by none other than Tino. Tino quickly invited everyone in, and the groups began to mingle and chat. Ji-Yook mantained her suspicious distance, even as Mallus attempted to calm her. They introduced everyone to Wuying, a recent joinee of their team (Tino mentioned he picked up someone else up from the “Hopefuls Camp” after Borak so thoroughly walloped him in their friendly sparring match).
Lana gave Tino the Irori Phylactery of Faithfulness, who greatly appreciated it and provided the witch with a mighty hug in response. After more discussion and chatting, the teams finally separated as the Winning Dream returned to their respective base, letting Tino know that they planned to host a barbecue the following night.
That night, those one watch discovered an ancient and wild land, cries of beasts, lumbering shapes in the woods and hillside, large flying forms gliding through the skies. It wasn’t until Lana’s watch, as she spent some time studying the names on the Pagoda central to the Temple, that she heard a strange warbling cry and some low bird like sounds. Waking up Mallus, the two went to investigate only to encounter a large and lanky landbird—a Cauthooj!
The bird’s loud ululating cry roused the rest of the party as it sought to flee from the Temple, only to stopped in a flash of brimstone as Mallus teleported before it to strike it down. The group is now locked in combat with the crafty and conniving beast.