The Winning Dream Play Report 05
This is a play report for Sessions #9-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Winning Dream are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Winning Dream
Abadius 2, 4721
At the top of the Light House, Golarion’s Finest and The Winning Dream squared off. The Enforcer summoned a fire elemental within the brazier at the top of the tower to keep things interesting and the groups charged forward. In the end the Winning Dream found themselves victorious over Golarion’s Finest. Inviting them to their barbecue, the group continued to explore the island.
They located another lost Taumatan Shrine, this one to the god Kantiyani, god of Feasts, Charity and Cooks. Seemingly particularly poignant to the group, they tooks some time to honor the god before moving on. Along the beach nearby, they discovered massive scaled and claw tracks, despite Lana’s insistence that they belonged to a dragon, both Borak and Arillia believed them to belong to a Tyrannosaurus. Mallus tracked the beast back to it’s lair, where they found it feasting on a stegosaurus and charged in to attack!
Score Card
- The Winning Dream vs. The Cloud Jesters: The Winning Dream Wins on Abadius 2, 4721 – 1 Feather
- The Winning Dream vs. Golarion’s Finest: The Winning Dream Wins on Abadius 2, 4721 – 2 Feathers