
New Dawn Play Report 03

This is a play report for Sessions #32-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

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Dramatis Personae: New Dawn

Gozran 28-30, 4710

Leaving the gnome expedition behind, the group made their way West, where Bben noticed a slumped body in the middle of a glade of colorful wildflowers. Moving to investigate, the group determined that the flowers were likely not natural. They observed the body and discovered it was a human man, he seemed to be breathing but seemed to be both paralyzed and mental distant, likely hallucinating. Bben, trusting in his aberrant anatomy, offloaded all his equipment and rushed into the field. Hefting the man up, Bben staggered back out of the wildflowers unharmed.

Not long after, the group set up camp and once the man came out from under the effects, he identified himself as a freelance logger named Erickson. He was down with a group of loggers from Brevoy working to clear out a glade of highly prized coachwood trees. During the process however, he claims the loggers were attacked by some sort of monstrous blue fairy. After getting a description, the group identified the fey as a Nixie, aquatic fey gaurdians. Ken-Noth convinced him to seek stable employment at the newly founded New Dawn logging camp to the east.

After an uneventful night, the group awoke well rested and while they headed west to seek out this logging conflict, Erickson headed west seeking more gainful employment.

Arriving at the Nixie’s lake, they discovered three large felled trees, a watchful nixie floating in the center of the lake, the sound of loud angry voices yelling out of sight in the trees, and two loggers that seemed to stand defensively before the lake. Circling the lake, the group approached the angry loggers.

As they approached, they heard the boss yelling at them that they just had to overwhelm the fairy and hack her to pieces with their axes! Though the logging crew seemed scared by the prospect. As Ken-Noth stepped into the clearing, the boss attempted to spin this as mercenaries he hired arriving quickly, and then stepped to them and discretely offered them 100g to clear the fey out.

Denying the offer, Ken-Noth spoke to him and then told them that they needed to leave the fey’s home and go elsewhere. The logging boss argued and refused to listen, but Ken-Noth also mentioned the new logging camp, drawing interest from the loggers. Approaching the nixie with the loggers in tow, and the logging boss currently Calmed by Bben.

Ken-Noth discussed things with the Nixie, named Melianse, and the loggers apologized. The nixie released the loggers defending her—which she had inveigled—as thanks, and requested additionally she would like the 3 trees replaced. Ken-Noth had remembered a copse of coachwood trees while exploring about 10 miles to the north and told her he would see some saplings transplanted. The logging boss, breaking from his Calmed state, began to yell profanities and ran off screaming threats.

With an agreement struck, the group—including the loggers—headed north to seek the copse of coachwood trees, and after arriving camped. During the night, they were attacked by an owlbear, who wasn’t much of a threat for the party, but its bloodcurdling screech did frighten several loggers into fleeing—fleeing directly into some giant hunting spiders, whom ran off as Bben Calmed them.

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Play Report Play Report: New Dawn

New Dawn Dramatis Personae

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