The Winning Dream Play Report 04
This is a play report for Sessions #8-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign being hosted via Startplaying! The Winning Dream are currently full, but if you would like to be added to a wait list in case a slot opens up, feel free to reach out!

Dramatis Personae: The Winning Dream
Abadius 2, 4721
Immediately after the fight with the Cloud Jesters, the Enforcer that oversaw the duel stepped forward to inform them that a change has been made to the Tournament. The Ruby Phoenix has decided she wants more chaos and excitement for the competition and as such has decreed each team shall select a new member to add to their team from the Hopefuls Encampment. She gathered both teams close and teleported them to the camp, where they saw the other teams had similarly been transported to the camp and they began to mingle and interview potential hopefuls.
The Winning Dream were drawn to a strange sight, an eagle the size of a man, first misconstruing it for the animal companion of a nearby contestant, they quickly learned the eagle is in fact a contestant themselves. Vicas, an awakened animal who dominated his small slice of wilderness claimed as his own has found himself here seeking further exploration of his powers and nature, of discovery of the world and himself. After a brief interaction the group welcomed Vicas to the WInning Dream and the group was returned to the Dinosaur Ranch headquarters, where they had previously defeated the Cloud Jesters.
The two groups went their own way, after the Cloud Jesters were invited to a planned barbecue that night at the Temple of Irori, with the Winning Dream heading North West to the coast of a northern bay where Arillia’s keen eyes spotted a massive egg shell cracked and laying broken on the beach. As they drew closer they determined the egg was the size of a house, nearly a foot thick and marbleized with salt, sand and other minerals found on the ocean floor. There seemed to be no tracks around the egg, providing no indication of what had hatched from it or where its contents went. Having gleaned as much as they could from the large egg, the concept of Kaiju dwelling on their mind, the Winning Dream moved West.
Next they encountered a small and long abandoned hovel, overgrown with nature. Exploring within, the Winning Dream discovered a pair of magical boots. Determining there seemed to be nothing more of value within the hovel, they continued making their way to the east.
They were planning to settle in for lunch when a hobgoblin enforcer approached them and challenged them to a contest, they had to put 2 feathers on the line, and would receive none in return. The match did come with a unique prize, however, a phoenix idol that could be used to refuse a challenge and protect you from being challenged by the team for 12 hours, as well as a sizable cash prize. The four enforcers attempted to harry their back line, targeting Lana, Vicas and Salgier. Though Salgier found himself struggling at very low health, the Winning Dream managed to pull a victory out of the match, receiving 2000 gold and the phoenix idol.
After the match, the Winning Dream offered to lunch with the enforcers, whom graciously accepted and even led them to a restricted area—an enforcer encampment—to allow them to lunch in peace. While there the group busied themselves identifying the boots they found (Greater Boots of Bounding) and the Greatsword that was gifted to them by the Cloud Jesters (Icicle). They also sought to gain some information from the Enforcers and learned the following:
Golarion’s Finest, a group of 8 warriors from around Golarion that has already met the Winning Dream on the ship over (Lana had relations with three of them on the boat), had been in the area recently and had left traveling west along the coast (essentially following the same path that the Winning Dream was).
The team to keep their eyes on, and challenge if they want to make a name for themselves, is a team called “The Lightkeepers” which are currently considered the ones highly likely to win the Tournament.
With this information, the Winning Dream finished lunch and left the Enforcers, making their way west where the came to an old lighthouse. The telltale signs of a team base (corpses of monsters gathered in a pile outside—in this case undead) were present but before they could enter, the door opened and Brartor nearly walked into the Winning Dream before challenging them for two feathers.
Score Card
The Winning Dream vs. The Cloud Jesters: The Winning Dream Wins on Abadius 2, 4721 – 1 Feather