
Jade Rivers Play Report 04

This is a play report for Sessions #47-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Jade Rivers play report header

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers

The adventuring company of Jade Rivers quickly finished of Karbadd and Hargulka, Gorzo’s drake rifle finally delivering the acid damage needed to deactivate the rock troll’s regeneration and put him down for good. Following the successful battle, the group took some time to search the troll fortress. The first thing discovered was a map of the stolen lands pinned to the wall of Hargulka’s bed chamber, annotations in Jotun seemed to imply that the trolls have been carrying out a series of organized, planned attacks in the region against locations where civilization has intruded on the Stolen Lands. A place was also marked on the map with a skull and a single word in Jotun: DANGER. Gorzo identified this as the location of The Beast.

Exploring the rest of the fortress they discovered an array of supplies and equipment that would benefit the kingdom. They also discovered the lost shipment of Pathfinder delivery that Variks had been investigating; including the information on his tome that he was seeking. After spending the night in the Fortress, the group made their way North East back towards Stagshead.

Along the way, the group defeated several minor encounters, a couple of ogre spiders tried to make a meal of them and were swiftly defeated. A small gang of bandits attempted to claim the title of stag lord and rob wayward travelers—They died to a large sphere of arcane power summoned by Nix. Throughout the travels the group saw evidence that the beast had recently wandered in the area. A Horse came charging fearfully through the camp large claw marks scoring its side, later a large number of trees was discovered shoved down, and finally some sort of large hooved animal carcass was found consumed and torn apart by what seemed to be the beast. While the group spend some time seeing its effect on the world, they never properly encountered the Beast themselves.

Happening upon a lake where several trees had been cutdown, the group spied two humans seemingly guarding the lake with large logging axes. Circling the lake to speak with them, Variks saw that tangled within the lillpads, flowers and plants growing along the top of the lake was a wide tangle of green hair, a blue forehead and a pair of piercing black eyes staring from the water line, watching the humans.

The Jade Rivers Adventuring Company slowly approached the humans to speak with them, but found they reacted with hostility, demanding to know if they were with them and pointed to the North.

The situation quickly unfurled. Loggers had come to the area to log this copse of coachwood trees near this lake. The lake’s guardian nixie, Melianse, tried to get them to leave peaceably, but when that didn’t work, she took control of two of the loggers with a magical inveigle ritual and set them to guard her lake and the trees therein.

As the foreman approached with the loggers to seek Jade River’s aid, the group quickly determined he was an asshole (because he was clearly an asshole) and eventually intimidating him into leaving. Melianse released the two inveigled loggers and the loggers left, angry and muttering but with no real way to do anything about it in the face of a fully armed and magical capable adventuring company.

The Jade Rivers Adventuring Company quickly worked to create a peaceful and friendly relationship with Melianse, using some of the feather tree tokens to restore the trees around her lake, she blessed them with a magical wand of healing and an offer to teach any who wanted the Inveigle ritual.

The group then continued onward to tatzlford, where they were reunited with Variks’ Pathfinder Society friend and companion, Darron, and settled in to work out with him retrieving the Pathfinder Society shipment that still lies within the troll’s fortress and discuss their next plan of action.

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Jade Rivers Dramatis Personae

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