
Jade Rivers Play Report 02

This is a play report for Sessions #45-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the Jade Rivers Kingdom, please reach out! We could desperately use a healer.

Jade Rivers play report header

Dramatis Personae: Jade Rivers

As we last left off, the adventurers of Jade Rivers were under attack from a wandering band of Trolls, 4 in total; these trolls however were easily dispatched between the amount of fire that the group can bring to bear! Quickly dispatching the monstrous giants, the group once again returned to their rest within the Cozy Cabin and awoke the following day and pushed on southward towards the Lair of the self-pronounce Troll King.

Arriving at the old dwarven ruins where the Trolls have holed up, the group ascended the narrow mountain path and reached the front gates where they discovered the body of Tristian, spread eagle and hammered to the stone door. Pushing past the dead cleric of Sarenrae, the group explored the southern doors that they didn’t have time to in their previous excursion and found little of note besides some jewels that Nix found in the watchtower that once housed the Harpies that attacked them their first time here.

Checking the northern door from the foyer, the group discovered an old abandoned shrine to Torag where they encountered a haunt of pious dwarves singing hymns to Torag and forcing supplication, Miz was able to assuage the ghostly dwarves, however, and allow the party passage beyond the altar room to a spiral staircase leading up to the next floor.

Upon reaching the next floor, Variks’ light shining into the hallway easily alerted the trolls to someone’s arrival, one went to check it out while another thundered on the nearby door sounding an alarm. Battle was joined! Two black scaled kobolds stood out as something of an oddity with the two trolls on guard upstairs.

Unfortunately, the group’s attempt to bypass the main chamber that was likely guarded by a large force has led them to fighting that force at the same time as the smaller retinue upstairs. Downstairs, Miz, Gorzo and Princess Bea have successfully held the lower door against all comers, Miz layering ashen clouds and ice storms to devestate the large numbers while Gorzo takes shots with his handcannon and spoon and Bea blocks the door with her tower shield.

Upstairs, Nix, Ahlymyra and Variks have surged into the upper group, Nix hurling fire while Varik’s slips among the fighters as he Reaps the Field and Ahlymyra supports with a Bless from behind the group.

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Play Report Play Report: Jade Rivers

Jade Rivers Dramatis Personae

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