
New Dawn Play Report 02

This is a play report for Sessions #31-ish of a Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker campaign being hosted via Startplaying! If you are Interested in joining the the New Dawn Kingdom, please reach out! Specifically, we could use a healer!

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Dramatis Personae: New Dawn

Gozran 24-28, 4710

After returning the baby to her parents, the group returned to the Town Hall to rest and sleep after long and tiring travels.

While most slept soundly, Bben’s sleep was wracked with what would normally be considered nightmares—had he not so, concernedly, enjoyed them—dreams of hunting and stalking people in the night of relishing in their fear. It’s probably nothing to worry about.

In the morning, the group paid a visit to the Cultists of Gyronna that they had captured prior to setting out to slay the hag, where they revealed they had killed the Hag and recovered the baby. Two of them, after Ken-Noth tried to get through to them, had previously recanted their association with the cult and seemed to be honestly repentant at their actions, reacted in a cavalcade of mixed emotions, they seemed honestly relieved to hear the baby had been recovered. Bben also sensed an undercurrent of fear in their emotions as well… and it felt… delicious.

The group discussed what to do with them, but in the end decided, since they had to build any official jail system and currently had no established judicial system in place that the two—believed to be repentant—be given the chance to be released on their own recognizance, though with an eye kept on them for the moment. After letting them free, Bben tossed the necklace made from the Hag’s cold iron claws into the cell of Malgorzata Niska, head priestess of Gyronna within New Dawn. The Priestess scooped up the necklace, hugged them to her chest and began to rock back and forth while she cried and prayed in Aklo. Eventually Ken-Noth entered the cell to retrieve them, deciding leaving the Priestess with cold iron, bladed implements may not be the best idea.

The next several days were spent managing the expanding kingdom.

New Dawn still provides all of the services they can while asking nothing in taxes. In fact, New Dawn reinvests other income back into the lifestyle and welfare of their people.

Nok-nok, Goblin Emissary of New Dawn, personally saw to the shipment of luxuries in order to trade them with Brevoy. He returned sooner than expected with supplies and currency all marked as shipments from Brevoy. He definitely did not just trade those luxuries to a band of ogres he encountered after they had raided a Brevoy convoy. He wouldn’t do that. It probably fine.

First order of business was for Ken-Noth to gather together Uisce and Bell and perform a consecration ritual around the shrine of Gyronna, rededicating the site to Saranrae. Bben suggested that, as the ritual should be performed yearly, this day Gozran 24th shall be known as Hagsfall, a day of cleansing and new beginnings within New Dawn. While a fine idea, the holiday was met with an overwhelmingly lackluster response from the populace.

Bben once again attempted to, with their minimal resources, make diplomatic contact with his home in Alkenstar—a lengthy process that would clear require more time.

Ken-Noth dedicated the rest of his time towards encouraging a period of relaxation and rest following Hagsfall, convincing folks to once again return to the lake around Dawnsgate. Things went much better this time.

Bell led further attempts at the artists of New Dawn to craft more luxuries for export.

During the next several days New Dawn tripled in size, adding nearby hills and forest land to their staked claim and setting up a lumber Camp and Farmland. The Lumber would be vital towards growing Dawnsgate from a squabble of ramshackle tents and shacks to a true town and city. Additionally, effort was placed to create a road through the forest land and the Lumber Camp.

As plans were made for the kingdom to continue to expand in their absence, the Council of New Dawn got wind of a mob forming. After the recent troubles with Hags and Cultists of Gyronna, some of the populace had grown paranoid, and false accusations and attacks began to increase, while a large group had gathered to head south towards where, it was a rumored, a Hag lived. The group realizing they melt an old fey-touched swamp witch, and not a hag, managed to cut them off and set things right. Calming them, and seeing that they understand that the Hag has been killed and that the Cult of Gyronna had been stamped out.

Other news reached them, that Trolls had been sighted throughout the land, larger bands then normal and far more active than usual. Ken-Noth spend some time asking the hunter-trappers and other denizens of the wild that frequented the new hub of Dawnsgate, and determined that reports seems to be more numerous to the south east, so the group decided to adventure down and see if they could get to the bottom of the troll activity.

Along the way, the group encountered some old friends, a gnome explorer named Jubilost Narthopple and his expedition. The gnomes were in in dire need of help, as an attempt to ford the river had ended with the carts and ponies getting stuck in the mud in the middle of the rushing river and were dangerous close to being swept away. Ken-Noth and Bell immediately plunged into the water to aid them while Bben aided them from the bank by magically Calming the ponies.

The group managed to get the explorers safely to the southern bank of the river, where they spoke and engaged in trade.

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Play Report Play Report: New Dawn

New Dawn Dramatis Personae

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